Transcription Services

Delivering on-time, accurate, dependable, and affordable dictation and transcription solutions

We deliver high-quality, timely transcripts that allow you to focus on what matters most. Accuracy, dependability, and confidentiality are the prime considerations for our highly trained, well-experienced, and certified MTs who are committed to supporting your workflow and business needs.

Medical Transcription

We provide medical transcription services to individual physicians, practices, and hospitals throughout the United States and Canada. Our medical transcription group has the wherewithal to provide you with the service that you require. Our years of experience, skilled medical transcribers, and skilled quality assurance team allow us to provide cost-effective, high-quality medical transcription in all specialties.

Corporate & Business Transcription

In today’s corporate world, accurately transcribed information is essential for the smooth running and functioning of any business. Corporate and business transcription includes creating a textual transcript of the video or audio recordings of various business interactions including conferences, meetings, presentations, workshops, etc., for present and future use.

Legal Transcription

Lawyers and everyone working alongside them usually have a lot on their plates, no matter what specialty and industry they are working in. As a result, many end up working long hours while they go over crucial interviews, documents, and even court recordings. Finding efficient ways to streamline that process is essential, especially if you want to scale up and potentially gain more clients in your law firm. Fortunately, Precision’s legal transcription services can help with this, letting you hand over audio files of court recordings, interviews, and getting an easy-to-read and fast-to-scan text document back in return.

Law Enforcement Transcription

Law Enforcement Transcription is more important than ever. Confidentiality, accuracy, and quick turnaround is a must. Precision’s expertise will provide law enforcement agencies with the confidence that their transcription will be handled with not only security but the respect for all involved.

Data Security/HIPAA

We utilize “state-of-the-art” dictation and transcription solutions that ensure 128-bit SSL encryption data transmission technology.
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Affrodable/Cost Effective

We offer competitive pricing rates. Our rates allow our clients to choose from onshore, offshore, or multi-shore solutions and all of our rates are competitive to allow customers freedom of choice.
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Efficient Workflow

State-of-the-art technology offering front- and back-end speech recognition, mobile dictation, eElectronic signatures, and multiple secure delivery options to streamline the flow of information.
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Document Management Tools

Our solutions are designed to provide you with the necessary tools to view, manage, and analyze the data for your facility.
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Quality Documentation

Our team is focused on quality documentation utilizing a multi-tiered QA approach with experienced, U.S.-based transcriptionists and editors committed to your account.
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4-Option Fast Delivery

We support all methods of report delivery, including: fully electronic (within 24 hours or faster), remote printing, file transfer protocol (FTP), courier, or secure e-mail.
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Precision icon with dictation microphone.

Dictation Options

Two easy ways to dictate: telephone dictation from any telephone or handheld digital recorders.
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Have transcription needs? Let’s talk about how Precision can help you reduce costs, improve quality, and deliver around the clock to improve workflow and satisfaction.